Sunday, February 14, 2021

These products are not fit together | The rules for combining food

The rules for combining food

If you are careful about your choice of food and eat only what is useful, honor and praise to you. But did you know that sometimes even this may not be enough? Compliance with the rules for combining food is what is really important! 

The most harmful food combinations

The body is a complex system, and in order to digest one group of foods, you need to start several complex processes. For this reason, some combinations can disrupt the smooth functioning of your digestion, which will lead to stomach malfunction, gastritis and a feeling of heaviness. Today we will tell you about the most harmful food combinations that are best avoided. 

Cucumbers and tomatoes

Cucumbers and tomatoes

Surprised? Still would! But what about a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes? It turns out that this combination is not at all good for our stomach. Cucumbers are alkaline in their composition, and tomatoes are sour. While the stomach secretes acid to digest the cucumbers, the tomatoes begin to ferment. Therefore, even one serving of a seemingly healthy salad can lead to bloating and other unpleasant consequences.

Potatoes and meat

Potatoes and meat

Here it is, another disappointment! It would seem that potatoes are a vegetable, which means that it should be combined with animal protein. But this is not entirely true. Different types of digestive enzymes are required to digest meat and potatoes. Therefore, this combination will not only give you a great feeling of heaviness, but also lead to indigestion. So we recommend that you ditch this classic dish or replace the potatoes with a vegetable salad seasoned with olive oil.

Milk and porridge / cereals

Potatoes and meat

In order not to clog your head with unnecessary information, let's say one thing: it is better to drink milk separately and avoid any combinations, because it contains protein that is poorly digested along with other proteins or flour products. In general, porridge with milk is not the best choice, especially if you lead a healthy lifestyle. But don't despair! We offer you a tasty alternative - kefir, yogurt or yogurt.

Fruit and yogurt

Fruit and yogurt

If muesli dressed with yogurt is tasty and healthy, then fruit mixed with yogurt is a tasty combination, but quite harmful. And "advertising" replicated yoghurts with fruit pieces are not the best dessert for your intestines. The fact is that yoghurts contain a lot of bacteria that react with sugar from fruits, which leads to the formation of toxins. So choose plain yogurts without additives, and to make it not so sad, add a little raisins or honey to them.

Soda and Burger

Soda and Burger

Well, at least everything is clear here. Combining soda with a burger will double-blow your liver, and at the same time add a couple of extra centimeters in the waist. And also heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, bloating ... We advise you to forget about fast food altogether, or at least not to wash it down with soda. If you really sin, then it is better to wash down the burger with green tea or plain water.

Do not eat these products together in your meal, because these products are not fit together


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